It has been quite a week to have been witness to graduations and graduation parties. It was also quite a month as I joined an Eagle Candidate supporting his Eagle Project at the City of Missoin Viejo Last Month. The City was good enough to share some thoughts on their website that is available by clicking here. It was great to see the City Manager and Mayor join this quest.
It has also been quite a week as the United States has withdrawn from the Paris Climtae Accord. The team at the Daily Outsider has been quite busy working away, tweeting, and assesing it all. One of the Governors at the forefront to forestall this is Jerry Brown (aka the Notorious JB--the nickname courtesy of my friend Scott Lay of the Nooner). One particular thought resonated with me from one of the Elders which I picked up on my personal Twitter Feed:

As I listened to the EPA Adminstrator speak last week, I could not help but wonder what Planet he was living on as he continued to tout "Clean Coal" among other things. As President Macron noted, there is no "Planet B" and the need to make our Planet Great Again is paramount.
It will be quite a busy week as I look forward to my own column later on this week on "If I was President" to think about what I would have liked the President to have done in the aftermath of the London Attacks as he went after Sadiq Khan and as our team will e working on a Notation later on in the week as UK Elections loom, French Elections (which is happening as I have been writing this) and the latest diplomatic browhaha in the Middle East between Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt and Bahrain. I was shocked as I saw that Food trucks were blocked from crossing into Qatar from Saudi Arabia--and as our Visions Team will be reflecting upon Apple This week!!
It is bound to be an interesting week no doubt as I picked up this wish for all courtesy of the team at Values.COM which may appear in one of the properties (I don't think I could hide it even if I want it to):
Onward to a very busy week!!!
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