I decided to "drop into my founders' corner" to share some final brief thoughts as the year draws to a close. It has been quite a Christmas Week as a very remarkable year is drawing to a close especially in light of all that we were all witness to. It is also an interesting milestone of sorts for me here in my "Founders Corner": This is my 550th Post. I guess time flies when one is having fun!!!
I have been on the prowl reflecting upon the year and helping to gear up the Daily Outsider team for 2018. One of the things I decided to take on was to take the Al Jazeera News Quiz and did "gain" some " Posts on my "AL Jazeera Virtual Passport"!! Please check it out by visiting it here!!!
China continues to make inroads as the United States continues to withdraw from the World Stage--what China did with Pakistan and Afghanistan with Belts & Roads was the latest worrisome sign. If I was sitting in the US State Department, I would be concerned especially as we here in the United States have some 15,000 (est) Troops fighting in Afghanistan right now. There is also, of course, the Tax Cut Bill which was signed into law by President Trump. Some argue that the new Gilded Age is at hand especially as we had our first 100 Billion Dollar Man: Jeff Bezos. Discussions will ensure throughout the year in the Daily Outsider Properties throughout 2018.
Despite a very challenging year, I continue to remain hopeful. I hope that this sense of optimism is not in vain as I embrace these thoughts that was so timely by Jonathan Lockwood Huie and his time that is a must read for me daily--the team at the Daily Outsider has embraced it ever more:
- Anonymous
Find ecstasy in life;
the mere sense of living is joy enough.
- Emily Dickinson
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.
- Anonymous
Today is a perfect day to be happy.
Every day is a perfect day to be happy.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Onward to 2018!!!
Happy New Year :)