The team continued to work away throughout Thanksgiving Week!!! I had the pleasure ot be supportive as I also helped with curation of Twitter Feeds throughout the last few days. For me, the one that was so moving was remembering and reflecting upon the challenging times America faced in the aftermath of President Kennedy's Assassination in 1963 as exemplified by this courtesy of the #JFKLibrary as President Johnson and Lady Bird Johnson walked the funeral procession in spite of what the Secret Service told them not to:

It was also quite a week for me as it began with a day of service at Camp Pendelton serving our fabulous Marines leading a contingent of Scouts:
Some 800 Marine Families were able to enjoy a thanksgiving meal that otherwise would not have been able to. It was also quite a day as I joined the Annual "No Lunch Lunch" Event sponsored by the Second Harvest Food Bank to underscore the fabulous work they are doing to eliminate hunger in Orange County. Some 315,000 people continue to be food insecure in Orange County and Second Harvest has a Bold Goal to eliminate it. I look forward to writing about it and help feature some of the great work and stories in the @Daily Outsider Ordinary Faces Property over the course of the ensuing weeks and months.
A day is not a day without featuring what is a must read for me and the team: The Thoughts complied by Jonathan Lockwood Huie that I am always grateful for:
There are all kinds of futures.
There is a hoped-for future,
there is a feared future,
there is a predictable future,
and there is an unimagined future.
- Werner Erhard
There is a great future in front of you,
you can leave your past behind.
- Joel Osteen
Vision stands on the shoulders of what is actual
to get a better view of what is possible.
- Mary Anne Radmacher
Onward to December with all its' possibilities.....