It has been quite a week!!
We have had some great weather in California that prompted me to break out my sweaters and yes even turn on the heater--it also rained again this morning!!! The Mountains have Snow and some say that we in California are in good shape after years of drought. But, the broader challenge of climate change remains as I went back and revisited this chart about my family's predicament and climate change:
I was so glad to be supportive as I joined the hashtag #standwithjeff as he went after the National Inquirer Hard. He stood up for many ordinary faces--and I am with Scott Galloway of the NYU Stern School when he noted how we have to make sure that we are aware of how truly digitized our lives are and how mistakes can ruin lives--Teens are dealing with it all the team and we must act now no doubt. I look forward to reflecting further on it.
As I close out these thoughts, I picked this up--I don't feel really too bad as I helped to start The Daily Outsider-I do wonder at times,though:
Vala Afshar Retweeted
Age when they started their company:
Bill Gates (Microsoft): 19
Reed Hastings (Netflix): 36
Jeff Bezos (Amazon): 30
Doris Fisher (The Gap): 37
Bernie Marcus (Home Depot): 50
Vera Wang (Vera Wang): 40
Sam Walton (Walmart): 44
Charles Flint (IBM): 61
Gordon Bowker (Starbucks): 51
This is also the eve of the 40th Anniversary of the Iranian Revolution of 1979 that has caused so much misery and pain for Iran and the World. One of the best indictments of the 40-years of Islamic Rule in Iran was done by the Voice Of America's Farsi Service. Mehdi Fallahati has done a fantastic job of exposing the corruption and murderous reign of the Islamic Republic. The fraud that the current President noted (on how he advocated to cut off Armed Forces' Pensioners) was hard to listen to. What is also so sad is how Rouhani did not fulfill a single campaign promise that prompted some 24 Million Iranians to vote for him. The numbers his budget has given one religious institution is more than the budget for 22 Provinces!!! The program is in Farsi but the need to help note the great work he's done is critical. I also was grateful to one of the leading Iranian-Americans, Dr. Firouz Naderi, as he underscored the need for many of us Iranian @ordinaryfaces believe:
- 5/5-I support Iranians’ right to defiant protests and acts of civil disobedience and believe that US support, both from Democrats & Republicans, is helpful for the Iranian people’s struggle for freedom – a support that was absent, and an opportunity that was missed, in 2009.
- 4/5-I do not support President Trump for reasons having nothing to do with Iran. But I support his policies aimed at weakening the Islamic Republic so long as it does not include armed invasion of Iran and economic policies that further squeeze the common people.
- 3/5-The road to victory requires all forces to unite for freedom of Iran- regardless of being republicans or royalists. They (and all of us) need to come together to bring an end to this ruinous regime. Don't tear each other apart; focus your anger and your energy. IT CAN BE DONE
- 2/5-No to human rights abuses of Iran’s citizens. No to the pervasive governmental corruption. No to continued mismanagement of Iran’s resources. No to wasting its most precious capital – it’s youth. No to the adventurism of IRI abroad. No to the Islamic Republic - period.
- 1/5-As the unfortunate 40th anniversary of the Regime approaches, let us unite behind the common goal of ending one of the darkest chapters of our history and work toward a secular democracy for Iran. Put aside past differences and varied preferences and focus on what we agree.
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