We here @ Outsiders were also privileged to be witness to this vibrancy that we commented on. We continue to be amazed as to the commitment by our community to our Schools. One example of it was when we joined the latest competition sponsored by the +Orange County Debate League :
As we were witness to this, we were also witness to such support for Aliso Viejo Middle School as the Aliso Viejo Falcons ASB spearheaded fundraiser at Blaze PIzza and Sub Zero. How the Falcon Community came out in droves was a privilege to be witness to.
For us, a fitting end to the year was when we joined a contingent of volunteers as preparations for the 2015 Rose Parade was in full force:
This is one of those traditions that has persisted for over 100 years staffed by volunteers and donated by volunteers. How it all comes together that somehow brings into to life. One of the most recent entrants was from the Sikh American Community. It was quite a sight to be witness to.
It was also of note how our Schools continue to improve and be a haven for learning. We here @ #outsiders decided to publish excepts of the final edition of Capo Talk which is published by the Capistrano Unified School District that underscores the level of achievement and continued success being enjoyed by the students at Capistrano Unified. This is also as the New School Board Took office earlier in the Month--and as transitions occurred throughout the Cities of South Orange County.
We wish all a wonderful New Year as we continue to comments on the ever changing and vibrant South Orange County Community.
Onward & Upward!!!