Today is the final Monday of 2020 and interestingly enough-the Final Monday of the Decade!!
It has been quite a decade of heartache also one of hope and resilience. It is also one of the most beautiful days in Laguna Niguel as rain has arrived and I caught a rainbow while in town today and released this earlier today in support of one of community projects for Donate A Photo:
The decade, though, began with a divorce. When divorce occurs, one has to start again as one has to deal with all the ramifications. I'll leave that story for another time--except to say that the need to power on and focus what was important was so crucial. The most important thing was to embrace the gift of life especially as I lost two of my Aunts during the course of the decade.
This was a decade that I began the journey that has evolved into the Daily Outsider which has grown into four properties with the development of the YouTube Channel along with a collection that has grown into a little over 24,000 images and the launch of my Twenty20 Portfolio.
The last two years has been quite a journey although COVID has thrown a monkey wrench --although I remain very very optimistic in spite of the challenging times we've been witness to. It was also a decade that saw me launch my quest for my Doctorate--which has presented it profound share of challenges. It was so irritating to see debate over the Doctorate of Dr. Jill Biden. I have the scars to prove it--I look forward to writing about it after I finish it.
2020, though, was especially quite a year as I was on the road and blown away by the beauty of majesty of my home state, California. As a Google One Member, I have the ability to track such a memory and decided to showcase it for the Month of November:
Trip highlight
San Luis Obispo and Los Angeles

 San Luis Obispo | |  Los Angeles |
17% around the world this year
You've traveled a total of 4,353 miles so far in 2020
One of the most striking visits was to Camp San Luis Obispo as I walked through Monuments Row at the Base reflecting the history and the immense sacrifice epitomized by the symbols and the history.
For me, this decade was also a decade of service. I served three terms on the City of Laguna Niguel Traffic Commission and continued on-going community work with a focus on Hunger and the Youth. I also worked away on doing what I can regarding an advocacy on Iranian Issues throughout my own Personal Social Media Engagements. This week, for instance, I updated my Facebook Cover to signify support for PS752 Justice--one of the biggest crimes of the Century as Iran's Revolutionary Guard shot down an Ukrainian Jetliner causing approximately 178 people to perish. January 7 is the one year anniversary and the PS752Justice organization has called for the lighting of a candle which will be an honor for me to join:
We also lost icons. The Iranian Diva Ramesh was among the many who died in Exile--as I captured this from the great folks at Farhang Foundation that do so much to elevate Iranian Culture and Art in spite of all that the Iranian Regime has done: With deep sorrow, today, we learned about the passing of the groundbreaking artist Ramesh.
Ramesh was one of the iconic singers of Iran before the 1979 revolution. She started her career in 1965 with the performance of PARASTOO JAAN on Iranian National Radio's popular GOLHA show, which then catapulted her career and established her as one of the leading female artists of her generation.
Ramesh performed in many genres of music and was most passionate about jazz and funk. With her signature trendsetting style, she was regularly featured on Iranian television with such hits as ROUD KHOUNEHA, SHARME BOUSEH, ASMAR ASMAR, LABE DARYA, ZAE'R, and AROUSE NOGHREH POUSH just to name a few.
After the 1979 revolution, she was forced into exile in Los Angeles, where she stayed away from the spotlight for the most part of the remainder of her life. One of her last rare songs she wrote and released in exile was TEHROUN, a nostalgic love song to her hometown city and Iran’s capital, as she yearned to one day return to Iran.
“If one day I have the opportunity to return to Iran, I will once again sing for the public from the bottom of my heart."
Ramesh's influence on Iranian music has been tremendous, and she will continue to touch and influence performers for many years to come.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees and the entire Farhang Foundation family, we extend our heartfelt condolences to her family, friends, and millions of fans worldwide. |
As I remember it all, all I know is all I'm thankful for as I wanted to share the following courtesy the great Peter Diamandis which I had the opportunity to submit an article for consideration--another interesting highlight which I look back fondly on. His thoughts on a gratitude mindset was quite timely:
It was also painful as I was reading stories about how Mullahs are now slated to be teachers of history and social sciences as injustice rages on with daily executions and an increase in hunger and misery that is just so painful to be witness to. The struggle will continue no matter Do you know the advantages of a Gratitude Mindset?And what might be holding you back?
One of the major challenges we all have today is a pervasive sense of “overwhelm.”
An increasing abundance of opportunities and a dizzying rate of technological progress can often blind us to many of the simple joys in our lives.
What was once a miracle we now take for granted.
In part, this is because technology allows us to do so much more, so much faster, so much cheaper and easier.
But it wasn’t always this way.
As a species, we used to work 80+ hours a week just to survive. To get access to basic food, water, and shelter. All of our technological advancements are giving many of us a vacation from basic survival.
Being grateful means feeling and expressing thankfulness and appreciation for just how far we’ve come and for what we have.
From a basic “standard of living” standpoint, each of us now has access to more fresh food, clean water, educational content, and medicines than kings and queens had just a century ago.
From an entrepreneurial standpoint, each of us has access to more communication capability, more knowledge, and more computational power than the heads of Fortune-100 companies had just a couple of decades ago.
From an impact and Purpose-Driven standpoint, each of us now has the privilege to work on some of the world’s biggest problems, a capability previously only addressable by heads of governments or the preeminent philanthropists.
Problem solving itself has been democratized, and we’re all better off because of it.
We should be grateful.
A Gratitude Mindset involves regularly making the shift from expectation to appreciation and thankfulness.
It means constantly recognizing that we’re living in the most extraordinary time ever in history… that today is better than yesterday, and that tomorrow will be better still.
I believe that a Gratitude Mindset is especially important for entrepreneurs. We have so many expectations for the future and our role in creating it that we get impatient… why isn’t it here yet?!
A Gratitude Mindset is 1 of the 6 critical Mindsets that I explore and coach entrepreneurs and leaders on during my Abundance 360 Mastermind every January.
Here is a summary of WHY you should develop a Gratitude Mindset:
With a Gratitude Mindset…
(1) You know that being grateful enhances your mood and makes you feel genuinely happy. Expressing gratitude causes our brain to release dopamine and serotonin, the two crucial neurotransmitters responsible for our emotions. They make us feel “good.”
(2) You recognize how incredibly lucky you are on both a personal and professional basis, and you take the time to feel and express thankfulness and appreciation.
(3) As a leader, you understand the power of encouraging your team to be grateful. You know that being thankful and appreciative improves the relational well-being for both individuals and the overall group.
(4) You invest in relationships. As my dear friend Joe Polish says: “Time is not money. Relationships are money.” You have to develop and nurture your relationships. Every day, you try to be as useful as possible to those around you. And in your leadership role, you focus on what positive results you can create for others.
(5) You have created daily routines that allow you to reflect on how lucky and thankful you are. And you share those reflections with others in your life in a way that brings you joy, and uplifts those around you.
Regarding this 5th key point above, allow me to share two of my personal practices that I use.
First, at the start of every Abundance Team meeting (whether on Zoom or in person), we begin by going around the room and asking each member the question, “Who on the team are you most grateful for and why?”
Second, when I go to sleep every evening, before I drift off, I recall the 3 things I am most grateful for from that day.
So, how would your life change if you had a Gratitude Mindset? What are the 3 things you’re most grateful for in your personal life? In your work l
I decided to close out these brief #RandomThoughts with a single image that underscores a sense of hope in spite of the challenging year and challenging decade on this beautiful night in my hometown as Rain pours on ever more:
Onward to 2021....