It has been an interesting week at the Daily Outsider. For me, the level of respect has grown by leaps and bounds at the non-violent civil resistance that continues to persist inside Iran. It has left me speechless as people continue to find ways to defy the Regime as challenges continues to mount for the ordinary man and woman that the Regime in Iran is simply incapable of solving. I have tried to be optimistic but it is not easy to remain optimistic in the age of Trump as he continues to throw European allies under the bus and praises the President of Russia.
As I am writing this, Donald Trump has landed in Europe and will be entertained in the UK as he will avoid the protests planned for him. On the eve of his visit, Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council, reminded the President that America does not truly have any allies around the World. This is a crucial remark that is worth noting, "..... First of all, dear America, appreciate your allies, after all you don't have that many. And, dear Europe, spend more on your defence, because everyone respects an ally that is well-prepared and equipped. Money is important, but genuine solidarity is even more important. Speaking about solidarity, I want to dispel the American President's argument, which says that the US alone protects Europe against our enemies, and that the US is almost alone in this struggle. Europe was first to respond on a large scale when the US was attacked, and called for solidarity after 9/11. European soldiers have been fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with American soldiers in Afghanistan. 870 brave European men and women sacrificed their lives, including 40 soldiers from my homeland Poland. Dear Mr President, please remember about this tomorrow, when we meet at the NATO summit, but above all when you meet president Putin in Helsinki. It is always worth knowing: who is your strategic friend? And who is your strategic problem?...." This is also as the US Senate in a 97-2 Vote rebuked the President on his stance regarding NATO.
What I did was to take comfort in what Emel Mathlouthi wrote for the Arab Spring. I first saw scenes of it as she sang it on the streets of Tunis where it all began. It seems so long ago--but the words "My Word is Free" resonates ever more that I thought might be a nice moment of reflection--this is also as how the World came together to rescue the 12 Thai Kids stuck in a cave for over three weeks. It is also of note to remember what Nelson Mandela Reminded Us all that I hope all who are in power today make note on the eve of Mandela Day:

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