Friday, March 14, 2014

On Community Engagement: The HomeAid Essentials 2014

  Home Aid Orange County's Annual Essentials Campaign has been announced.     As part of the on-going Community Engagement & Outreach Effort,  Troop 772 has supported this for a number of years.  This is just another example of Community Engagement at its very best.     The "call to action" for this year was recently received here in "Outsiders" and has been noted below:

Dear Mike,
Did you know that families are the fastest growing segment of the homeless population and they are struggling to provide basic essentials such as diapers for their children?  On average, a family needs 3,000 diapers a year for one child and adding in other costs, such as wipes and care items, makes this an annual cost of over $1,000 a year.

To address this great need in the community, HomeAid Essentials is a community-wide effort Friday, May 2 - 11, 2014, to collect diapers, wipes, care products and food for homeless infants and toddlers. 

HomeAid Essentials supports agencies throughout Orange County that are serving homeless families.  Over the past six years, HomeAid has partnered with more than 500 businesses, community organizations and individuals that have collected over 2 million items for homeless children.

Get more information about HomeAid Essentials
Register Now!

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