It has been quite a month and quite a year. In the midst of working on projects for the Daily Outsider and other initiatives, I had the good fortune to spend some time with the family as this weekend was my Fathers' Birthday. I decided to feature images of my Great Grand Parents, myself with my son, and my Dad along with a reminder about how grateful I am to underscore how there is a lot to be thankful for in spite of the misery and the upheaval our World is before us. Whether it is the daily misery in Iran (whereby over 70% live under the poverty line, the destruction of the environment, or extreme corruption) or the ongoing horrific war in Ukraine, we have to know our World and be aware. There is also the need to do all that we can. In the end, that's what we can do.
I close out these brief opening thoughts for the Quarter with clips I picked up from an Iranian Artist who has constantly given voice to the struggle for freedom in Iran: