Saturday, November 28, 2015

Around Town in South County (W-End Edition): An Opportunity For the Community To Get Involved (Please Read On)

Become a Pilot Volunteer!

Our team recently ran across this opportunity to contribute to the Community and the email from the State of California is hereby noted below that our team members received which we hope all consider signing up as we hope all consider signing up to be a volunteer for the California Road Charge Pilot it is it’s free and easy!

As noted in the email call to action received from the California Department of Transportation, "....It’s no secret that our roadways are in need of repair. Due to shrinking funding from the gas tax, increased road maintenance cost, the age of our roadways, and more fuel-efficient vehicles, California’s transportation system will continue to get worse without the funds to sustain them.
In response to this problem, the Legislature passed Senate Bill (SB) 1077 directing California to conduct a pilot program to study the feasibility of a road charge as a replacement for the gas tax to pay for road maintenance and repairs. Road charge is a policy where drivers pay to help maintain the roads based on the distance they travel or a period of time they use the roads, rather than the amount of gasoline they consume.
The California Road Charge Pilot Program is a multi-year endeavor that, at its core, strives to engage the public in order to gain input and feedback. You can help in this effort by volunteering to participate in the live pilot demonstration just like I did!
Learn more at the California Road Charge Pilot Program website and volunteer today....." 

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