It always seems impossible until it's done." ~Nelson Mandela #dailyqotd #qotd
— The Daily Outsider (@DailyOutsider) November 29, 2015
Monday, November 30, 2015
As We Bid Farewell to November in #Outsiders....
It has been a challenging November and a challenging year. As we look forward to further updates on #COP21 and other challenges around our World, we thought this we ran across (also released to our twitter feed earlier) underscores how we have to look at the true art of the possible.
Onward to December with all the hope and the promise and realizing that nothing is impossible--which is why we are here!!
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Thought 4 the Week
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
It turns what we have into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance,
chaos to order,
confusion to clarity.
It can turn a meal into a feast,
a house into a home,
a stranger into a friend.
Gratitude makes sense of our past,
brings peace for today
and creates a vision for tomorrow.”
~ Melody Beattie
It turns what we have into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance,
chaos to order,
confusion to clarity.
It can turn a meal into a feast,
a house into a home,
a stranger into a friend.
Gratitude makes sense of our past,
brings peace for today
and creates a vision for tomorrow.”
~ Melody Beattie
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Around Town in South County (W-End Edition): An Opportunity For the Community To Get Involved (Please Read On)
Our team recently ran across this opportunity to contribute to the Community and the email from the State of California is hereby noted below that our team members received which we hope all consider signing up as we hope all consider signing up to be a volunteer for the California Road Charge Pilot it is it’s free and easy!
As noted in the email call to action received from the California Department of Transportation, "....It’s no secret that our roadways are in need of repair. Due to shrinking funding from the gas tax, increased road maintenance cost, the age of our roadways, and more fuel-efficient vehicles, California’s transportation system will continue to get worse without the funds to sustain them.
In response to this problem, the Legislature passed Senate Bill (SB) 1077 directing California to conduct a pilot program to study the feasibility of a road charge as a replacement for the gas tax to pay for road maintenance and repairs. Road charge is a policy where drivers pay to help maintain the roads based on the distance they travel or a period of time they use the roads, rather than the amount of gasoline they consume.
The California Road Charge Pilot Program is a multi-year endeavor that, at its core, strives to engage the public in order to gain input and feedback. You can help in this effort by volunteering to participate in the live pilot demonstration just like I did!
Learn more at the California Road Charge Pilot Program website and volunteer today....."
Friday, November 27, 2015
As We're Back Online: The Friday Musical Interlude w/Adele singing "Chasing Pavements"......
We're back on line!!
Our team settled for the Friday Musical Interlude to feature selections from Adele as our artist of the week. Please enjoy!!
Our team settled for the Friday Musical Interlude to feature selections from Adele as our artist of the week. Please enjoy!!
Sunday, November 22, 2015
On the Eve of Thanksgiving in the United States....
Our team had the pleasure to join the St Timothy's Catholic Parish annual Thanksgiving Project this past weekend. It was wonderful to be witness to the generosity of community in action.
We here @ #Outsiders have decided to go "dark" for Thanksgiving week here in the United States to reflect upon our World. Our team will be "on the prowl" though with the daily twitter curation on our key "hastag" watches including #Daesh, #India, #China, #uselections, #Europe & #americas as we gear up for #COP21 (The United Nations Climate Change Conference) and formally launch "NASIIM".
We here @ #Outsiders have decided to go "dark" for Thanksgiving week here in the United States to reflect upon our World. Our team will be "on the prowl" though with the daily twitter curation on our key "hastag" watches including #Daesh, #India, #China, #uselections, #Europe & #americas as we gear up for #COP21 (The United Nations Climate Change Conference) and formally launch "NASIIM".
As we go "dark" for thanksgiving week, we wanted to feature this from +Jonathan Huie that underscores what we must be thankful for and simply underscore the need to do our best and do what we can to make a difference--it is ever so critical not to forget especially with the profound challenges we are faced with.
From all of us to all in the United States, Happy Thanksgiving as we step back to be ever so thankful and appreciative and ask all never to "stop thinking about tomorrow"
Friday, November 20, 2015
The Friday Musical Interlude: ColdPlay's Sky Full of Stars
It is Friday here in #Outsiders as we have the pleasure to once again present the Friday Musical Interlude throughout the #outsider properties. For this week, our artist of the week is ColdPlay as we feature "Sky Full of Stars". We wish you all a fabulous Friday and a Fabulous weekend:
Thursday, November 19, 2015
An #Outsiders Newsflash: Leadership Transition in the City of Laguna Niguel
Our hometown, Laguna Niguel, has a new leadership team: Mayor Laurie Davies and Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Slusiewicz who will assume their respective offices on December 1. We here @ #Outsiders wish them both the very best as they begin their term.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
On the Road in South County This Week: Witness to Community Spirit In Action
It has been quite gratifying to see the level of support seen in the Community during this thanksgiving month. St. Timothy's Parish is sponsoring its' annual Thanksgiving Project that would 175 families who would be able to have a Thanksgiving Dinner. This is in large measure due to the geneorisity of the Parish Community and the support that Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County.
Our team once again had a chance to join a morning of service at Second Harvest and it was ever so gratifying and motivating to see such spirit in action as we got to understand how a Food Bank works and how corporations have been so at the forefront of it:
Our team once again had a chance to join a morning of service at Second Harvest and it was ever so gratifying and motivating to see such spirit in action as we got to understand how a Food Bank works and how corporations have been so at the forefront of it:
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Around Town in South County (Special Edition): Holiday Season Crime Prevention Tips (Courtesy Orange County Sheriff's Department)
The Holiday Season is upon us. The Crime Prevention Specialist for the City of Laguna Niguel Published this insightful commentary for the Community and for neighborhood watch captains which we felt was quite appropriate as we are at the dawn of the Holiday Season:
Holiday Season Crime Prevention Tips
Kimberly Sawyer, Crime Prevention Specialist, OCSD
holiday shopping season is a peak time for crimes such as home and vehicle
burglaries, and thefts. Residents need to be alert, aware, and prepared in
order to reduce the risk of becoming a crime victim at home, on the road, and
while shopping. Crooks know that homes become mini-goldmines as families begin
to store holiday gifts. The items most desired by burglars and thieves are also
those most desired by intended gift recipients. Small electronics such as
phones, tablets, laptops, digital music players, game consoles and various
jewelry items will be stored in most homes in December.
can better protect their homes by locking doors and windows at all times, and by
not displaying gifts and other valuables where they can be seen from a window
or a doorway. Store small electronics and jewelry in a safe or in a place that
is not conspicuous.
When not
at home, always activate your alarm and turn on a radio or television so the house
looks occupied. If you go out of town for the holiday, use an automatic timer
for your lights and ask a neighbor or trusted friend to watch your house, pick
up the mail and newspapers and park their car in your driveway from time to
After the
gifts are opened, try not to advertise your new electronics and/or other new valuables
by putting empty product boxes out on the curb for the garbage collectors. Break
the boxes down and fold/cut them so they could fit in a closed trash container.
While shopping, stay alert to your surroundings and the people around you. Make
sure you have your checkbook, wallet, identification card and credit cards
secured after every transaction. Sometimes people get so excited about a purchase,
they forget to collect these items from the register counter. If you notice any
item missing, contact your bank or credit card company immediately to stop any
account activity, then contact the police department.
shopping trips with a friend if you plan to be out late. Never park your car in
an unlit area, no matter how convenient it is. Crooks know that cars parked in
shopping centers are likely to contain valuables. Lock your car doors and
windows even if you are only gone for a few minutes and NEVER leave shopping
bags, purses, backpacks, or any items of value visible through your car
windows. Crooks usually walk from car to car in parking lots, looking for any
visible valuables. When they see something they want, they will break the window
(they use tools to make that quick and quiet) and take the valuables. Lock item
in the trunk, or keep the items with you as you go from store to store.
Follow the
above tips and help us reduce crime in our community.
Have a safe and joyful
holiday season – from the men and women of the Laguna Niguel Police Services.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Notations For the Week-End (Special Edition): On #ParisAttacks & Beyond
As we write this, we are monitoring updates from Europe as SkyNews is reporting live on the victims and the aftermath. 129 People have died and 99 are still in hospital.
Parisians are gathering at the Place De La Republic to honor the fallen. . One of the fallen is a 23-Year Old Student From Cal State Long Beach, Nohemi Gonzalez.. Maddona in Sweden said it best last night during a concert when she noted, "...They want to shut us up...we will never let them." We here @ #Outsiders echo this sentiment in the strongest possible terms we could muster.
At the G20 Summit, the leaders led a minute of silence to honor the victims of Paris and Ankara. Condementations have been forthcoming from the entire world. France has declared 3 Days of National Morning--we here at #Outsiders have decided to go dark for the next 48 hrs in honor of all the victims of all the wars as we leave you all with this image of Paris and the Jewish Prayer for Peace that Corey Robin noted in his blog which we have noted below for reference:
& a Muslim Prayer For Peace:
We shall overcome!!!
Parisians are gathering at the Place De La Republic to honor the fallen. . One of the fallen is a 23-Year Old Student From Cal State Long Beach, Nohemi Gonzalez.. Maddona in Sweden said it best last night during a concert when she noted, "...They want to shut us up...we will never let them." We here @ #Outsiders echo this sentiment in the strongest possible terms we could muster.
At the G20 Summit, the leaders led a minute of silence to honor the victims of Paris and Ankara. Condementations have been forthcoming from the entire world. France has declared 3 Days of National Morning--we here at #Outsiders have decided to go dark for the next 48 hrs in honor of all the victims of all the wars as we leave you all with this image of Paris and the Jewish Prayer for Peace that Corey Robin noted in his blog which we have noted below for reference:
May we see the day when war and bloodshed cease,when a great peace will embrace the whole world.Then nation will not threaten nation,and mankind will not again know war.For all who live on earth shall realizewe have not come into being to hate or to destroy.We have come into beingto praise, to labor and to love.
& a Muslim Prayer For Peace:
Merciful God, You made all of the people of the world in Your own image and placed before us the pathway of salvation through different Preachers who claimed to have been Your Saints and Prophets. But, the contradictions in their teachings and interpretations of them have resulted in creating divisions, hatreds and bloodshed in the world community. Millions of innocent men, women and children have so far been brutally killed by the militants of several religions who have been committing horrifying crimes against humanity, and millions more would be butchered by them in the future, if You do not help us find ways to reunite peacefully.
IN THE NAME OF GOD, THE COMPASSIONATE, THE MERCIFUL, look with compassion on the whole human family; take away the controversial teachings of arrogance, divisions and hatreds which have badly infected our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; reunite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish Your purposes on earth; that, in Your good time, all nations and races may jointly serve You in justice, peace and harmony. (Amen)
We shall overcome!!!
Friday, November 13, 2015
The Friday Musical Interlude: Paul Winter Consort Performs Midnight/Minuit....
As Friday the 13th Dawns, we here @ #Outsiders hope all enjoy selection we've made from the Paul Winter Consort throughout our properties. We hope all enjoy this as we wish all a fabulous Friday:
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Around Town In South County: Veterans Day 2015 in Laguna Niguel
The Sea County Community Center in Laguna Niguel was the scene of another solemn and momentus Veterans Day 2015 event. Members of Troop 772 joined this solemn day as scouts led the audience in the pledge of allegiance and to speak to the audience on the history of Veterans Day Today. Dignitaries included The Mayor of Laguna Niguel & Members of the City Council along with Orange County Supervisor Lisa Bartlett and Assemblyman Scott Brough along with Naz Namazi From Congressman Rohrbacher's Office
After the conclusion of the ceremonies, all attendees were treated to a light lunch courtesy of the Laguna Niguel Women's Club. All were reminded that "Freedom" is not free especially as some 83,000 Americans continue to be missing in action.
After the conclusion of the ceremonies, all attendees were treated to a light lunch courtesy of the Laguna Niguel Women's Club. All were reminded that "Freedom" is not free especially as some 83,000 Americans continue to be missing in action.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Around South County: On "Fish For Life" & Other Brief Thoughts on the Eve of Veterans Day
We here @ #Outsiders have been long-standing supporters of Fish For Life. We had a chance to catch up with Fish For Life Founder Jim Holden as he noted a recent story featuring this noble and joyous cause:
The last Fish for Life trip of the year is November 14th out of Dana Point. Watch this space for an update.
It is also the eve of Veterans Day as our team goes "dark" in honor of it. It was quite gratifying to see restaurants as big as TGI Fridays, Buffalo Wild Wings and the local Vietnamese Eatery in Laguna Niguel extend a sense of gratitute with treating veterans on this very important date. IT was also gratifying to see Starbucks' continuing their tradition of selling their Veterans Cards--proceeds of which support the USO. Their service will never be forgotten!!
We here at #Outsiders again underscore a simple to all Veterans and their families:
Happy Veterans Day!!!
It is also the eve of Veterans Day as our team goes "dark" in honor of it. It was quite gratifying to see restaurants as big as TGI Fridays, Buffalo Wild Wings and the local Vietnamese Eatery in Laguna Niguel extend a sense of gratitute with treating veterans on this very important date. IT was also gratifying to see Starbucks' continuing their tradition of selling their Veterans Cards--proceeds of which support the USO. Their service will never be forgotten!!
We here at #Outsiders again underscore a simple to all Veterans and their families:
Happy Veterans Day!!!
Monday, November 9, 2015
On the Prowl In South County: On This Veterans Day Week
Another weekend of service was the order of the day in South County as the Scouts of the Tiburon District oversaw the District Annual Scouting for Food Campaign:
Witness to community spirit as we wish all a fab week :-)
This is also a week whereby we will be honoring our Veterans. A number of events are on-going throughout the cities of South County as we look forward to commenting on it over the ensuing days. Happy Veterans Week to all our wonderful Veterans:

Posted by The Daily "Outsider" on Monday, November 9, 2015
This is also a week whereby we will be honoring our Veterans. A number of events are on-going throughout the cities of South County as we look forward to commenting on it over the ensuing days. Happy Veterans Week to all our wonderful Veterans:
Friday, November 6, 2015
The #Outsider Friday Musical Interlude; Nina Simone's "Feeling Good"
It is time for the Friday Musical Interlude here in #Outsiders. Please enjoy this selection from our artist of the week, Nina Simone, as we wish all a fabulous Friday and a fabulous Week-End:
Thursday, November 5, 2015
A "Virtual Token of Thanks": Thought(s) for the Week
We here @ #Outsiders have been on an on-going assessment of our mission. We have been ever so grateful for the opportunity. We thought that "Thought(s) for the week" we have released throughout the properties underscore a sense of appreciation as we hope these as well here--with our appreciation as we look forward to the opportunity to serve:
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Around Town in South County: On the Prowl in Laguna Niguel
Earlier this morning, Laguna Niguel Police Services sponsored "Coffee with a Cop" at Corner Bakery which gave the Community a chance to meet members of the Police Services Team at the forefront of keeping the South County Community Safe. The Chief and other members of the Command Staff along with members of the Laguna Niguel City Council joined this Community outreach effort.
It is also thanksgiving month here in South County. One key event upcoming is Veterans Day in Laguna Niguel:
We look forward to reporting on this solemn day.
Monday, November 2, 2015
Around Town In South County: On #Halloween2015 & Other Thoughts....
Halloween spirit was in the air in South County this week as Communities throughout South County celebrated Halloween by getting together and hitting the Streets:
One home was even broadcasting a movie on their Garage Door!!! But this excitment was tempered as our Community has been witness to Haggan's and Fresh and Easy Shutting Their Doors.
Local stores throughout South County have begun their liquidation sales. Our team had a chance to have a brief interview with one of the local Haagan employees in Laguna Niguel. He noted that 90% of the employees have been able to find new jobs. This particular Haagan employee lost his vacation--but was able to retain his seniority.
This is a developing story as we assess the impact on the local economy.
One home was even broadcasting a movie on their Garage Door!!! But this excitment was tempered as our Community has been witness to Haggan's and Fresh and Easy Shutting Their Doors.
Local stores throughout South County have begun their liquidation sales. Our team had a chance to have a brief interview with one of the local Haagan employees in Laguna Niguel. He noted that 90% of the employees have been able to find new jobs. This particular Haagan employee lost his vacation--but was able to retain his seniority.
This is a developing story as we assess the impact on the local economy.
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