The Community Spirit was ever so evident today as St. Timothy's Catholic Church hosted the Second Harvest Mobile Food Pantry sponsored by the Rotary Club of Monarch Beach. Over 9,000 Pounds of Food and Produce were distributed to the less fortunate who were able to to be served by members of the St. Vincent De Paul Society, the Knights of Columbus, the Boy Scouts, The Rotary Service Club at Dana Hills High School as all came together to support this wonderful afternoon of Service.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Around Town In South County: Mobile Food Pantry @ St. Timothy's Catholic Church (A Brief Report)
The Community Spirit was ever so evident today as St. Timothy's Catholic Church hosted the Second Harvest Mobile Food Pantry sponsored by the Rotary Club of Monarch Beach. Over 9,000 Pounds of Food and Produce were distributed to the less fortunate who were able to to be served by members of the St. Vincent De Paul Society, the Knights of Columbus, the Boy Scouts, The Rotary Service Club at Dana Hills High School as all came together to support this wonderful afternoon of Service.
Friday, February 27, 2015
As We Go Dark in #Outsiders: Challenging Days, Lira's Admonition & Remembering Mr. Spock
It has been another tragic day as a Bangladeshi American Blogger, Avijit Roy, and his wife were violently attacked in Bangladesh. He was hacked to death with meat cleavers. His wife is in serious condition. This is as we were witness to the horrific acts by Dayesh in having destroyed priceless artifacts over the past 24 hours.
We here at #Outsiders were not aware of his work directly until we reviewed the morning reports as we geared up to be "Dark" planning for March throughout the Outsider Network. We join the comments by the CEO of Index on Censorship in strongly condemning this henious act. This is as gear up for March in #Outsiders with the Israeli Prime Minister's Speech and the opposition avalanche that continues to build hour by hour, the latest on the US Political Scene--including some of the more bizarre deliberations in Congress. Conservatives are having their first major meeting that showcases a "beauty contest" of aspirants to the Presidency--including a declaration of cultural fascism by Brett Bozell.
As we go "dark" we wanted to share this "musical interlude" from Lira that underscores a hope we have and what drives us to develop #outsiders:
It is not easy to live up to smile as we see a World that is engulfed--but Gandhi Ji reminded us all that we must be the change we want to see in our World as we hope to live up to Natalie Goldberg's admonition to "Trust in what you love, continue to do it, and it will take you where you need to go..."
As we finished this final column, we got word that Leonard Nimoy "Mr Spock" has passed away. His admonition to us all to "Live Long and Prosper". In his honor, we remember him:
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Around Town In South County: HomeAid Essentials 2015 (Brief Comments)
We here @ #Outsiders have been a ardent supporter of HomeAidOC for a number of years. Their latest campaign is beginning in earnest and we wanted to share this that the Team @ HomeAidOC has sent out which makes a difference in the lives of the less fortunate. We look forward to commenting on it over the ensuing weeks & months:
Around Town in South County: Thoughts on Emergency Preparedness in South County
The City of Laguna Niguel continues to be at the forefront of Emergency Preparedness. The latest CEPA (Community Emergency Preparedness Academy) is on-going and the newest class is slated to graduate on April 2. It was of concern as the City's Emergency Preparedness Coordinator reflected upon the challenges being faced by South County Cities to conduct similar efforts--having for instance seen cancellations of classes by the City of Laguna Hills during the Quarterly Team Laguna Niguel Responds CERT Team training held on February 21 at Laguna Niguel City Hall.
The need to be prepared is ever so critical especially as it is not a question of if the next big calamity hits--but when. Two of the members of the CERT team provided a training on being prepared during the February 21 meeting and shared the latest on their on-going Community Outreach Effort. The resources are noted her for reference here--They are directly downloadable and there is no need to have a "Dropbox" Account:
Around Town In South County (2/26/2015): A NIght of Celebration at Aliso Niguel High School
Aliso Niguel High School was the scene of the Annual Capistrano Unified School District Combined Orchestras & Bands on Tuesday February 24, 2015 starting at 6:00 PM. Elementary, Middle School along with the Aliso Niguel High School Band performed some beautiful melodies showcasing the wonderful talent that the Children of Capistrano Unified School District have developed under the wonderful guidance of their Teachers.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
An #Outsider Newsflash: On the Latest on Edwards v. The City of Aliso Viejo
We have previously commented on the on-going matter regarding the selling of Alcohol at Edwards Cinema Aliso Viejo. During the regularly scheduled meeting of the Aliso Viejo City Council on February 18, Edwards had requested to have the matter taken off calender so that discussions with the Community continue through September 2015. We will continue to monitor on-going developments.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
An #Outsiders Newsflash: On The Edwards Aliso Viejo Alcohol Application
We here @ #Outsiders have been monitoring developments regarding the Edwards Aliso Viejo Alcohol Application over the past number of weeks. Edwards Theaters Owner, Regal Cinemas, has threatened to sue the City of Aliso Viejo. As reported by Aliso Now, a Community site, the letter has been noted here for reference.
During the regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council this evening, this matter apparently will be discussed and more updates will be forthcoming.
During the regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council this evening, this matter apparently will be discussed and more updates will be forthcoming.
Friday, February 13, 2015
On this President's Day W-End: Saluting Our Teachers
On this President's Day Week-End, we here @ #Outsiders want to take the time to remember all our wonderful teachers who serve our children throughout the Saddleback and Capistrano Unified Scool Districts. They truly insure that they touch the future and we here @ #Outsiders salute them:
May her soul RIP 🙏Great #inspirationalquote from the @Simple_Truths Sunrise Inspiration app:
— Mike Pouraryan (@mikepouraryan) February 13, 2015
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
News From Around South County: Second Harvest Mobile Food Pantry in South County
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Thought 4 the Week
“You build on failure.
You use it as a stepping stone.
Close the door on the past.
You don’t try to forget the mistakes,
but you don’t dwell on it.
You don’t let it have any of your energy,
or any of your time,
or any of your space.”
~ Johnny Cash
You use it as a stepping stone.
Close the door on the past.
You don’t try to forget the mistakes,
but you don’t dwell on it.
You don’t let it have any of your energy,
or any of your time,
or any of your space.”
~ Johnny Cash
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
An "Outsider" Newsflash: On A Challenge @ City of Aliso Viejo (Updated)
This is a breaking development:
We here @ #Outsiders joined the event and subsequently reviewed this from "Aliso Now" to assess the latest:
looks like @RegalMovies threatens2sue @alisoviejocity as they blocked alcohol sales-live blogging 2night at 7:30pm@
— Mike Pouraryan (@mikepouraryan) February 4, 2015
We here @ #Outsiders joined the event and subsequently reviewed this from "Aliso Now" to assess the latest:
attended this briefly last night on @RegalMovies threatening @alisoviejocity :-( | Aliso Now! via @sharethis
— Mike Pouraryan (@mikepouraryan) February 5, 2015
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Notations From the Grid: An Event in #AlisoViejo
Free Google Event in Aliso Viejo—Feb 11 at @TechSpaceInc #adwords #marketing #partnersconnect
— Nick Beske (@nickbeske) January 23, 2015
Sunday, February 1, 2015
As A New Month Dawns.....
We here @ #Outsiders wanted to begin the new month with this snapshot courtesy of the ever perceptive +Jonathan Huie on the need to always be on the bright side and the admonitions are ever so perceptive:
Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow,
it only saps today of its joy.
- Leo Buscaglia
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.
- Anonymous
Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning.
- Winston Churchill
It is not work that kills men; it is worry.
Worry is rust upon the blade.
- Henry Ward Beecher
An Opportunity to Support an Eagle Scout Candidate
One of the Trailmasters of Laguna Niguel, is having a "Night @
" In Laguna Niguel
on Feburary 6 as he works away on his Eagle Project. Hope you all can join the fun!!!
Hours are 12-8 PM--Please click on this flier and present it at the time of your meal:
Notations For the Week-End: Those Who Make A Difference
One of the delights we have here at the "South County" Channel is to constantly be on the prowl as those selfless souls who strive to make a difference are honored. One such event was held on January 30, 2015 at the Corpus Christi Catholic Community.
The Tiburon District honored scouters for the dedication and service to the Youth of South Orange County. It is ever so gratifying to see the spirit of service and selflessness evident throughout this vibrant community.
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